exhibit C

below are quotes from locals in following years.

John smith, 1628

“The Natives told me about a settlement to the South with white men living there. They described them living in two-story, thatched-roof stone houses—a style that is unique to the English people.”

North Carolina settlers, 1740

“The Croatoan language has many English-sounding words. They use ‘mon’ for ‘man,’ ‘fayther’ for ‘father,’ ‘wit’ for ‘knowledge,’ and ‘ax’ for ‘ask.’”

John Lawson, 1700

“On Roanoake Island I met a band of natives called the Hatteras. They told me their ancestors were white people who could ‘talk in a book.’ They had blue-grey eyes unlike any other natives and were very friendly to us.”

Thomas Sands, 1629

“In the trees outside our walls, I saw a young boy (6 or 7) with blonde hair. He was dressed like the other natives, but his skin was lighter. I called to him hoping to speak with him. At the sound of my words, he ran off into the forest.”