black death

FBI Investigation

Welcome Special agent:

Given the current unprecedented times in 2020 [REDACTED] we’ve decided to delve deeper into how diseases can spread as fast as misinformation [REDACTED] faster than lightning. The Bureau has recently opened its case investigating the cause of the Black Death in Medieval Europe. For over 100 years, scientists have believed that the Black Death was the same disease as the modern Bubonic Plague. We're told it was spread by fleas on rats and is now easily controlled with antibiotics. [REDACTED] However, there are those who doubt the two diseases are the same and how ready we are to deal with this [REDACTED] facts about this ancient disease in case it surfaces again.

Your task:

  • Click on the links below to explore Exhibits A-H (used with permission from the CDC).

  • Use the data to fill out the sections in your Investigation Journal

  • Synthesize your findings to finalize an indictment — on the last page of your journal.