
FBI Investigation

Welcome Special agent:

Given the current unprecedented times in 2021 [REDACTED] we’ve decided to delve deeper into what happened to the lost [REDACTED] colony of Roanoke. The Bureau has recently opened its case investigating the fate of the colony and its members. On August 15, 1590, colonist John White returned to Roanoke Island after obtaining more supplies for the colony’s survival. We're told White found the settlement completely abandoned. After assuming that the colonists had left to join the local natives, [REDACTED] or had perished, [REDACTED] White returned home to England. However, there are those historians [REDACTED] who doubt his story. The case remains unsolved.

Your task:

  • Click on the links below to explore Exhibits A-H (used with permission from the FBI).

  • Use the data to fill out the sections in your Investigation Journal

  • Synthesize your findings to finalize an indictment — on the last page of your journal.